HTTP Status Codes

Twala's REST API follows standard HTTP status codes for responses to provide clear and consistent communication between servers and clients.

Twala's application programming interface (API) adheres to the Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural style, utilizing standard HTTP response codes to relay the outcome of API requests. Error responses are conveyed using HTTP status codes, with codes in the 2xx range indicating successful execution, while codes in the 4xx range indicate errors arising from the client's input (e.g., incorrect API keys or parameters, unsuccessful transaction, etc.). On the other hand, codes in the 5xx range indicate unexpected errors on Twala's servers, which are uncommon but require immediate attention. If such errors occur, please notify us immediately.

200Retrieving, creating, updating, and deleting a resource use 200 HTTP code. We do not use 201 or 204 for creating or updating operations.
400The request was not understood, often caused by missing parameters, invalid payload format, validation, or processing errors.
401You are not authenticated. Either the Twala API credentials are not passed or invalid.
403You are authenticated but access to the resource is not allowed.
404The requested resource or the API endpoint does not exist.
500Something went wrong from our end.